Sex, what is it good for?

Sex, what is it good for?

My favorite male phrase: “I need it.” This, in reference to Sex. Nobody NEEDS sex, or do they??? Sex… I don’t even wanna go here with this topic. I really don’t but I must ask the question, “Is sex necessary for a relationship to thrive?” Ugh. There it is. I said it.

Let’s start at I googled the effects of sex on the body and I got them. LiveStrong is pretty reputable so I figure, what the hey, let’s check it out. Turns out that frequent sex can make you healthier. SURPRISE. Lol. Safe sex, with a committed partner can be beneficial to your health. You can burn calories, it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke in men with regular sexual activity (I don’t know what they conceder “regular activity”…). Endorphins released during sex can relieve pain from migraines and arthritis. Lol, so stop using that my head hurts excuse, ladies. Sex can also increases estrogen and reduces PMS symptoms. Sex can change your mood for the better. The article also goes on to the disadvantages of sex as well, including STD’s and physical bodily pain.

So, all that being said, I’m back to, is it good for a relationship? Well, I would guess so. It is the highest form of intimacy between a man and woman. There is nothing more affectionate than that, as far as I know. I’ve heard a lot of women and men say that if their sex life declines they automatically assume that there is something wrong with their significant other. They may not know exactly what the problem is until they really find out what the problem is but a lack of sex is always a hunch.

Some people use sex as a secret story they share with each other. Their intimate secrets come out in words and touches and it brings couples closer together. Also, can we not all agree that when sexual attraction is gone, one, or both partners seek it elsewhere? Seems like a strong sexual relationship will help sustain a relationship, but we all know that a relationship cannot live on sex alone.

The number one thing that sex is good for in a relationship is multiplication. That’s exactly what sex exists for. Everyone is playing Russian Roulette when it comes to sex because a child could come into the picture at anytime. That’s just one of the many things that could go wrong. Kids are a blessing from God, don’t get me wrong, I know first hand, I am a mother, but an unplanned pregnancy can be very tough on a couple.

So I guess my talk on sex has revealed a few things…

  1. Sex is good for the body. Sex is also bad for the body, if a couple is being irresponsible…
  2. Sex is good for a relationship, as long as it is healthy and safe. The absence of sex is bad for a relationship depending on each member of the relationship and how they value sex.
  3. Sex creates life.

So, sex is good and bad. That’s what I thought.

Big Kiss (^_^) QueenPinky


[Source: (image)]

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6 thoughts on “Sex, what is it good for?

  1. Queen Pinky,

    once again you have nailed it (no pun… i love this as if we ever needed a reason to have sex…. but here it is in black and white…
    i think i am going to print this one….lol

    • Queen Hope you are so funny! I try to nail them all. lol. I actually wrote this a long time ago and decided to post it, finally. Sex is a sensitive subject. lol.

      Thanks for reading as usual!

      Big Kiss (^_^) QueenPinky

  2. Queen Pinky,
    You rock, woman! Put it out in the blogosphere, that’s what I say! And while sex can be a sensitive subject, we need courageous, fearless women to school those sisters who are a work in progress to becoming the force of nature all of us divas were meant to be. Very informative post and your comments enhanced it delightfully. Job well done!


    • Thank you Queen Bella. I have been sitting on that blog for some time because I wasn’t sure how it would be taken but with the love of all you guys I knew it would be understood for what it is!

      Thanks much

      Big Kiss (^_^) QueenPinky

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